Investment Philosophy


We are an experienced team of investment specialists who remain confident even in difficult times and never lose sight of the long-term strategy.

Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing. Warren Buffet

Our investment strategies are designed for the long term: we don't allow ourselves be distracted by short-term fluctuations in value.

Patience is a key element of success. Bill Gates


We invest in companies that make an active contribution to solving the most pressing problems facing our civilisation.

Sustainability is not a trend, but the future. André Kostolany

Active management

We regularly review all our investments and adapt our tactical orientation to the constantly changing environment.

Sometimes, it's better to spend one hour thinking about money than to spend a week working for it. André Kostolany


All our investments retain their value and are designed for long-term growth. We are not speculators, we are investors.

If you aren’t willing to own a stock for ten years, don’t even think about owning it for ten minutes. Warren Buffett


We invest in different asset types, markets, themes and currencies. In this way, we ensure that your assets are subject to the smallest possible fluctuations in value.

The only investors that don’t need to diversify are those that are right 100% of the time. Sir John Templeton

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is the most successful investor of all time. He built up almost all of his wealth through long-term stock investments and is now one of the richest people in the world. Buffett has been pursuing a value investing strategy that he learned from Benjamin Graham for decades, increasing his wealth by an average of 20 percent a year. Companies held by his holding company, Berkshire Hathaway, employ over 250,000 people. In 2006, Buffett announced that he would be donating nearly his entire fortune to charity.

André Kostolany

Despite two bankruptcies, André Kostolany earned millions on the stock exchange, initially with speculation, but later with a steady hand. In the second half of his life, he passed on his experience on the stock exchange. Numerous television appearances, millions of books sold and more than 30 years of writing for the financial magazine Capital made Kostolany a stock market legend.

Sir John Templeton

Sir John Templeton is known as the father of the idea of the mutual fund. He founded the first mutual fund for retail investors, the Templeton Growth Fund, in 1954. The Templeton Growth Fund is still one of the largest global equity funds in the world in terms of assets.

Fjodor Dostojewski

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky is considered one of the most important Russian writers. His literary career began in 1844; he wrote his major works, including Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons and The Brothers Karamazov, in the 1860s and 1870s.